According to the survey, there are more and more patients with diabetes recently, which can be described as one of the most common chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that the number of type 2 diabetes patients in the world has reached 10.4%, among which the prevalence rate of men is 11.1%, while the prevalence rate of women is 9.6%.

In the past, we all thought that women with diabetes would be a little higher, but now the incidence of diabetes in men will be higher.Especially obese and overweight people, the prevalence of diabetes is even higher.But what is even more frightening is that according to a large-scale study, the average life expectancy of diabetic patients in our country is 9 years shorter than that of normal people.

In other words, if blood sugar is not well controlled and diabetes occurs, you will live 9 years less than normal people.It sounds a bit alarmist, but is it really that scary?

 High blood sugar is most afraid of hurting blood vessels.

For diabetics, there is nothing terrible about simply having high blood sugar, but the most frightening thing is the problems that arise after high blood sugar, which is the chronic complication of diabetes.

1. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

The most important thing is that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have the most characteristics, which are usually called four highs and one high: high morbidity, high disability, high mortality, high recurrence rate, and more complications.

There is no doubt that if a diabetic suffers from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is usually life-threatening. In my country, 3 million people die of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases every year, and many of them are related to diabetes.

Studies have found that the risk of heart disease and stroke in diabetic patients is 2-4 times higher than that of normal healthy people. Moreover, if there is a problem with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it will be more serious and extensive, and the prognosis is usually not good. In addition, damaged blood vessels can not only be in the heart, but also in the kidneys and eyes.

2. Kidney disease

If there is renal vascular damage, it is a very troublesome thing. Many patients will have an increase in urinary microalbumin excretion rate in the early stage, which is the only early manifestation.

But people usually ignore this problem, and many patients only realize the seriousness of this problem when there is protein in the urine or the serum creatinine clearance rate is already very low.

Many patients already have proteinuria, high blood pressure, and edema when they see a doctor, and these problems will gradually aggravate gradually, and renal function damage will gradually occur, and renal failure will occur in the late stage. Many diabetic patients will spend the rest of their lives in dialysis.

3. Eye diseases

Also, if the lesions appear in the eyes, it is also a common complication of diabetes called diabetic retinopathy. It is the most common cause of blindness in people with diabetes. Studies have shown that if diabetes occurs 10 years ago, 25% of people will develop diabetic retinopathy, and among 15-year diabetic patients, more than 50% of the population will develop such diseases.

What's even more frightening is that almost all patients will develop diabetic retinopathy if they have been diabetic for 30 years. Of course, in addition to this, there will be the possibility of diabetic neuropathy and diabetic foot, which are complications that seriously endanger the health of diabetic patients.

How much blood sugar can be maintained?

For patients with type 2 diabetes in our country, what kind of goals can be controlled? The best fasting blood sugar is 4.4~7.0mmol/L, and the random blood sugar must not exceed 10mmol/L. In addition to blood sugar, other indicators should also be monitored. Glycosylated hemoglobin is one of the main detection indicators, and it is best not to exceed 7%. In addition, more attention should be paid to blood pressure. It is best to control blood pressure below 130-80 mm Hg. And the body mass index should not exceed 24. Obese people must pay attention to exercise.

And you have to be more careful about what you eat.


1. Cereals and potatoes should be mixed in thickness, with a daily intake of 250-400 grams. Among them, it is best to keep whole grains and miscellaneous beans at 50-150 grams, while potato foods should be at 50-100 grams.

2. Eat vegetables for every meal. It is best to ensure that you can eat more than half of green vegetables, and the weight of vegetables should be maintained at 300-500 grams.

3. A diet of big fish and big meat is not necessary, but you should choose 120-200 grams of meat, eggs, fish and poultry every day. Eat less fatty meat and avoid smoked and cured meats.

4. Use less oil, and do not consume more than 25-30 grams of cooking oil per day. The amount of salt should not exceed 6 grams.

Diabetes is very harmful to people. A little poor control of blood sugar will lead to damage to blood vessels. Whether it is a large blood vessel or a small blood vessel, there will be problems after injury.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to whether the blood sugar is too high in life,monitor blood sugar problems regularly.  If there is a blood sugar problem, it should be properly controlled.

Many people can get their blood sugar up to the standard within three months as long as they intervene in their lifestyle, but don’t be afraid if they don’t. Drugs can also be used to help lower blood sugar.

At this time, you should also go to the hospital to see how to control blood sugar problems, which hypoglycemic drugs to take, or whether you should choose insulin injections. The doctor will recommend a personalized treatment plan for you.