A survey by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America found that 52 percent of pregnant women reported increased anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Mothers with the following characteristics are more prone to prenatal anxiety.

1. Anxiety disorder was diagnosed before pregnancy;

2. I felt very anxious during my last pregnancy;

3. Previous experience of miscarriage;

4. Work or family brings a lot of pressure (such as financial pressure, marital pressure, or mother-in-law relationship, etc.).

Although it is said that if there are the above characteristics, the proportion of prenatal anxiety will increase, but mothers-to-be who have some of the above conditions should not be overly nervous, thinking that they will definitely have prenatal anxiety, which will make themselves too big stress resulting in anxiety.

How to alleviate and treat prenatal anxiety?

1. First of all, it must be clear that the use of drugs during pregnancy needs to be very cautious, so unless the anxiety is very serious, there are many other ways to relieve anxiety, and you must consult a professional doctor for medication.

2. High-quality sleep is a very good way to relieve anxiety. If the quality of sleep of mothers-to-be is relatively light, the first thing to do is to try to increase the quality of sleep. For example, change to a more comfortable pillow to relieve the baby’s abdominal pressure; use your favorite aroma to soothe the nerves; if you frequently go to the bathroom, you should appropriately reduce the amount of water you drink before going to bed; if you have leg cramps and keep waking up at night The situation requires proper calcium supplementation to relieve symptoms; listening to music or thinking when falling asleep can also make mothers-to-be no longer cranky and help them fall asleep faster.

3. On the premise of ensuring the quality of sleep, exercise can be appropriately increased. For example, when feeling anxious, a quick 10-minute walk can relieve tension. The study found that pregnant women who exercised regularly were a quarter less likely to suffer from anxiety disorders than those who did not exercise.

4. Eating healthy food will also greatly help your mood. The daily intake of protein, carbohydrates, fiber and water should be guaranteed, so that the body has enough nutrition to support the extra consumption during pregnancy.

5. In daily life, if anxiety begins to appear, you should consciously divert your attention instead of falling into a panic of cranky thinking. There are many ways to divert attention. According to a large-scale British study, preparing some cute animals or other beautiful videos can help regulate emotions; you can also recite ancient poems; think of some good memories; flip through past photos, etc. , It is to make our brains have no time to worry, so as to effectively relieve the state of anxiety.

6. Alleviating anxiety is not a one-time cure, but a long-term and slow thing, so mothers-to-be should be more patient and slowly change their state.

7. Don't worry too much about the safety of the fetus in the womb. The fetus sometimes in sleep, so don't panic when the fetus is silent. You can also prepare a Fetal Doppler at home to measure the fetal heart rate when you are worried. 

The importance of asking for help:

Some mothers-to-be feel that they can endure severe anxiety, while some mothers think that the problem will be solved after the baby is born, but this is not the case. If antenatal anxiety occurs during pregnancy but is not treated effectively, it is very likely that more severe postpartum depression will occur. Therefore, mothers-to-be should always observe their emotional state. When emotions affect their lives, they must receive professional treatment or assistance in time.